

1. What is online test platform?
This is a web based application for conducting online test, exams or survey. Testmindz has developed the most simple and user friendly application to cater any kind of requirement for online test. This can help you conduct Test, Quiz for your student.

2. Is it for sale and rent?
This is not for sale. It is only available in rental mode. We charge only for exams conducted by you. Student login & other parameters are all free of cost.

3. Do we get admin control of online test platform?
Yes you do! The admin facility provided is controlled by only you with a login ID and Password.

4. Can we upload questions ourself or do we have to send mail to you?
You are provided an admin panel and through this panel you can upload the your question paper at one go.

5. What kind of question Testmindz support
It supports almost all type of questions in general examiners use for online test. Few to mention-

  • MCQ single correct
  • Fill in the blanks
  • True and False
  • Yes or No Type

6. How many questions can I put on a test?
When you create test that time you define no. of questions.

7. How many people can take my test?
An unlimited number of people can take your test but they can register in your test and you give him /her permission to take question.

8. How long are tests stored?
For the life of Testmindz.

9. How can I print the answer key?
Student can't see or print answer key, but test creater see answer key only.

10. How can I contact you?
Since you read all the way down here, you are allowed to email us. It's info@testmindz.com

11. Can we upload questions in bulk through a single file or questions are uploaded one by one?
Questions are set one by one.

12. What if while taking the test internet connection breaks?
Not to worry! all data is saved in real time. Nothing is lost.